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    Investing Process in China

  • Tianjin Overview
    Jinshan Overview
    Shanghai is one of the four direct-controlled municipalities of China and the most populous city proper in the world, with a population of more than 24 million as of 2014.[11][12] It is a global financial centre[13] and transport ... learn more
  • City Advantage
    City Advantage
    EconomyShanghai is the commercial and financial center of mainland China, and ranks 13th in the 2017 edition of the Global Financial Centres Index (and fourth most competitive in Asia after Singapore, Hong Kong, and Tokyo) publish... learn more
  • 2016/04/01
    Homebuyers at a property expo in Shanghai. Provided to China DailyUnder Shanghai's new rules, local families with one property would have to pay at l...
  • 2014/03/21
    China could get 4.5 million cruise passengers by 2020, a 33 percent increase from 2013 and more than any other country in the Asia-Pacific region, acc...
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